School / Youth Groups

CCC9 offers opportunities for school or youth groups to come and watch court proceedings.  Our goal is to offer students a safe, interesting, and educational visit.

Visitors and chaperones will have to go through the security station/metal detectors. The security officers are very serious about the safety of you and the Tarrant County employees. Teachers and students will have to empty their pockets. Coins, metal, jewelry, chains, steel-toe shoes, etc., can set off the metal detector, and any purses or bags will have to be placed on the conveyor belt for security review. Each person must go through the metal detector individually, which can be very time consuming. Accordingly, please allow plenty of time to get through the metal detectors.

The Tim Curry Criminal Justice Center is a building where important decisions are made that can affect people's lives for many years.  Please be respectful by being quiet in the building and elevators.  Attorneys are often conducting business with their clients in the elevators and hallways on their way to court. The elevators are very busy, so please allow plenty of time to get up to the appropriate floor.

Students should dress appropriately. 

Court proceedings may be underway when you arrive. Please enter the courtroom in a quiet and orderly fashion. The bailiff will instruct you where to sit. Some of the matters in the courtroom may be adult in nature, so maturity will be expected. If students are disruptive, they may be removed from the courtroom by the bailiff.

For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact Tiffany Kapelowitz at (817) 884-3413.