Dora Davenport Jones Collection


Summary: Donor gave items relating to early Fort Worth history including a swagger stick given to the donor by a Canadian flier who visited Fort Worth in 1917 before departing for England. She also donated a scrapbook containing mementos of her graduation from Fort Worth High School in 1920. In addition, the donor gave a book on Fort Worth during the Civil War.


  • Swagger Stick: In 1917, at the age of 13, Dora Davenport Jones was given a "Swagger Stick" by a Canadian flier before departing for England that summer. The young man, a violinist in a Canadian Symphony Orchestra, had been invited to dine with Mr. and Mrs. Perry Walter Brown of Fort Worth. Dora, who lived in Houston, happened to be residing with her aunt at that time. All of the fliers carried swagger sticks, and many of them gave their swagger sticks to local girls before they left.  


  • Fort Worth in the Civil War by James Farber, 1960


  • The Girl Graduate, Her Own Book, mementos of the donor's graduation from Fort Worth High School, June 1920
  • The Panther, Fort Worth High School, 1920
Follow link to view fully scanned PDFs on Dora Davenport Jones Scrapbooks page.

Dora Davenport Jones, 1919 

Pictured: Dora Davenport Jones, 1919