Land Research

Phoenix Furniture Building in the 1960s

Tarrant County Archives has two extensive collections of land title abstracts as well as several smaller collections. The two larger are the U.S. Title and Stewart Title Collections. The link will lead you to a PDF of all survey names in both of the major collections. If you right click on the PDF and go to "Find," a search box will appear. Write all or part of the survey name, such as "Akers" or "Johnson," in the search box and it will take you to the first reference. Hit the forward arrow and you will be taken to the next reference.

Click to view a larger version of document. Because the collections are listed side by side, often the references to the same survey will be on the same page. Below are additional resources.


plat map of the W. J. Boaz Estate

The plat map of the W. J. Boaz Estate shown at above right is from a collection acquired in 2013. The photograph at top is of the Phoenix Furniture Building on Throckmorton Street in downtown Fort Worth during the early 1960s. On the left, part of First Christian Church is visible. On the far right is the Capps Building, and behind the Phoenix is the old First Christian Church Educational Building.